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Certified Pre-Owned XRF LIBS & OES Analyzers from AMERICA'S #1 RESELLER
Certified Pre-Owned XRF LIBS & OES Analyzers from AMERICA'S #1 RESELLER

Lease to Own Factory Repaired & Refurbished Viken Pb200e HUD Lead Paint Handheld XRF Analyzer Gun Residential Housing & Commercial Building Lead Paint Screening. (SKU #105)

Original price $7,000.00


Viken Pb200i Lead Paint XRF Analyzer - Refurbished

Viken Pb200i and Pb200e Lead Paint XRF Analyzer

Items Included:
  • iM2100 Pelican case (1)
  • Pb200i or Pb200e Analyzer w/ lanyard (1)
  • Download cable (1)
  • Pb Paint CRM Check standard over wood substrate (1)
  • Battery Holder 
  • Battery Charger
  • 6 Month Warranty

Save Money and Replace your Lead (Pb) Paint gun with a Certified Pre-Owned REFURBISHED or USED Pb 200e XRF Analyzer.  Low Cost, Less Regulations, and More Durable than alternative tube based XRF guns.  

The Pb200e is certified accurate and detects lead in paint for Housing  and Commercial buildings in seconds. For Households with children that have significant lead paint hazards, the Pb200e is a reliable way to remove the threat and is the instrument of choice for lead-based paint inspection. The Pb200e uses K-shell technology for accuracy at all depths, including substrate, not just surface detection.

The Pb200e has been helping keep children safe from lead poisoning.

The Pb200e is the only lead paint analyzer exempt from any radiation licensing or X-ray regulatory reporting, making it simple to own and maintain.  

Government regulations, such as the U.S. EPA-issued Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule, have increased public awareness of the need for lead paint testing. Lead poisoning is a well-known health threat to children, but lead exposure can cause serious issues for adults as well, including high blood pressure and dementia.

Environmental professionals involved in demolition, renovation, or repair projects are particularly vulnerable to inhaling dust contaminated with lead or other toxins such as Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) metals.

Viken Pb 200e X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzers meet the rigorous demands of lead paint testing and are one of only a handful of lead paint analyzers available that are supported by an ideal Performance Characteristic Sheet (PCS). 

  • No inconclusive readings
  • No substrate correction
  • No false positive/false negative readings.

Choose the same analyzers used by by many Environmental consulting firms, County and Public Health Departments & Agencies, and Certified Lead Inspectors.  


Make: Viken

Model: Pb 200e

S/N: 2772

SKU#: 105

Condition: Used CPO


Calibrations: Pb in Paint

Manufacture Date: 8/1/2020

Price: $9,990

Buy a CPO Used or Refurbished Pb Paint Gun from The XRF Company – The Most Economical Way To Test For Lead

There is toxic lead all around us due to the old lead-based paints used in residential housing, apartments, colleges & universities, commercial buildings and in industrial applications.

There are three ways to test for lead in paint: X-ray fluorescence, laboratory analysis and chemical test kits.

However, the NSW Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promotes XRF methods and laboratory analysis as best practices for accurate testing for lead in paint. 

It found chemical test kits can’t differentiate between lead-based paint and other paint accurately, and can’t be trusted to measure the extent of lead-based paint on a surface like an XRF Analyzer

How Viken Pb 200e XRF Works In Lead Paint Detection And Analysis

XRF instruments measure the amount of lead on a painted surface by exposing the surface to high-energy radiation (gamma rays in this case). 

The radiation causes lead to emit x-rays at a characteristic frequency. 

The intensity of the rays is measured by the Pb200e instrument’s detector and converted to a number that represents the amount of lead per unit area (usually in milligrams per square centimetre). 

Operators of all XRF machines require special training.  By using the XRF instrument, the amount of lead in paint, both surface and buried can be determined immediately.

There is no damage to the painted surface during the test.

In cases of inconclusive measurements or irregular surfaces, a laboratory analysis of paint chip samples is recommended.  XRF readings tell how much lead is beneath the surface. 

Results are reported in milligrams per square centimetre. If the reading is greater than 1 milligram per square centimetre (1.0 mg/cm2), then the surface is considered a lead surface. Usually more than one XRF reading is taken for a surface. The average of those readings is the result.


Does My Property Have Lead Paint?

The older the paint in your house, the higher the risk it contains lead. 

The majority of homes in the United States built before 1978 contain lead paint at really high concentrations.

Attempting to disturb old paint coatings if small amounts of lead are present can result in serious health risks, both to the occupant(s) and to any contractors.

What If There’s Lead Paint On Your Property?

Your hazardous materials survey may be outdated if you were in business and a previous survey found no lead paint on your premises. 

The risk of lead paint is reduced or controlled temporarily if you test for the presence of lead paint inside or outside your property.

Painting over chipping or peeling lead-based paint does not make it safe. You must first safely remove it before repainting.

Enlist a certified lead abatement contractor to eliminate lead paint hazards. For lead hazards to be permanently removed, either the paint must be removed or special materials must be sealed or enclosed. 

Lead-Based Paint Inspection

Lead-based paint is identified during an inspection of any interior or exterior surface. You can use it when you’re doing a renovation, painting, or having paint removed.

An inspector will examine every surface within and outside of the house, including surfaces covered in wallpaper. 

Samples are evaluated with a portable XRF device to determine whether the paint contains lead without damaging it, and it is a fast and accurate method of identifying whether it contains lead or not. 

Should the test results not be conclusive, samples of paint can be removed and sent for laboratory analysis.

People Renovating Their Houses Are In The Most Danger

Home renovators may not be aware that they are creating lead hazards. It is possible for old paint chips and lead dust to remain in the garden for years after the work is completed if it is not properly handled. 

By using blasting, burning, dry scraping, dry sanding, and power tools to remove paint, the particles become too small to be properly removed. They also get deposited on furnishings or carpets, making complete removal almost impossible.

The Dangers Of Lead Paint

What’s the problem with lead-based paint?

Lead is a heavy metal poison that accumulates in the body.

Paint dust, paint flake or paint waste contains hazardous levels of lead, which when swallowed or inhaled can be very harmful to humans.

Children, pregnant women or nursing mothers should be kept well away from surfaces or areas where lead paint is being disturbed and any contact with lead paint dust and debris should be avoided. 

Aging flaking paint, airborne dust particles from sanding, or smoke produced from burning it off are the foremost causes of lead poisoning in homes. 

Elevated lead levels in the blood and accumulation of the toxin in the body left untreated can result in brain damage or death.

If exposure to lead has occurred or is suspected, then see a doctor for a blood test to determine what action is needed.

What Regulations Apply To Lead Paint?

    What Is Being Done By The Government?